My Dolls

Terms & Conditions

Before you browse through my dolls, please take a moment to read my terms and agree with them. Thank you.


Please do not hotlink to any image on my site. This is bandwidth theft. The domain I have set up will tell me exactly who has done it, so I will confront you if need be.


On certain dolls you are allowed to adopt them. Please make sure that on whatever page of your site which you display them on there is a clear link underneath and somewhere on the same page stating you did not create these dolls yourself. Remember to save the doll onto your own server.


Please do not edit any of my dolls, even if you think something could be better on one of them. If this is the case, e-mail me or contact me somewhere with your c/c.


Please do not FRANKENDOLL any part of my dolls. Yes, I have noticed some people doing that, even if my dolls aren't great, people have. Please don't.


Even if one of my dolls doesn't have a copyright sign on, it doesn't mean that you can steal it. If it does have a copyright on, please don't remove it. I rarely copyright because it spoils the overall look of my dolls.


If you want to use my dolls for something, which I highly doubt, such as a banner, sig whatever, you are not allowed. If you contact me, you never know, I may let you.


Some of the dolls on the following pages may contain blood and gore.
If you find this offending, or are just squirmy...proceed with caution.
I rarely use blood, but I don't want to traumatise someone or anything. So be careful!


Casual Characters Fantasy Formal Ghost

I Wish Muses Portrait Vampire

Scooby Doo Buffy & Angel My Emotions The Underground