About The Site

Name - Chantelle's
D.O.B - Early 2004
Past Layouts - (Click To Preview)
1. Standard Customizable Bravenet Ready Layout!!
2. Stars
3. Harry Potter
4. Pink
5. Purple Bubbles
6. Gray
7. Orange
8. Blue Frames
9. Bam
10. Pink Stripes
11. Pretty Punk v1
12. Pretty Punk v2
13. Bright Green Splodge Thing
14. Blue Victorian Theme
15. Grey/Pink
16. Curly blue

Here's the low-down on my site since it was first made to the brand new and uber cool revamp! This is a brand new feature to my site, because before the revamp, my site didn't even have this page! :o

My site was previously hosted on Bravenet.com, until December 2004, when I decided to move it to densworld.plus.com, beacuase my family had this bought domain, and we hadn't used it, and also on Bravenet.com I couldn't use frames, but with densworld.plus.com, I learnt I could!! But then I combined my two sites together!! And well...here we are!! Just in case, I did this on 05-06-05

All the stuff on this site pretty much belongs to me. Therefore it is copyrighted to me. You are not allowed to take any of it without permission from me.  Need I say me any more? Fine then, I'll add one of these...All graphics and content are © Chantelle Porritt 2007 (unless stated otherwise). There, happy now?

The brushes/bases I used to make this layout came from:

No brushes used.